Monday, May 09, 2005

Hahah i thought our conversation at venezia was quite funny:

Kai Ling: "what else can i do, i am horny by nature. There's nothing else to see anyway"

B5: "For any country to conquer Singapore, very simple. Just grab all the food away and offer sweet potatoes as the only substitute. That will make everyone surrender. OH my ice kachang"

Zhixuan: "Machi!Mo-Gu! mIU! hey sounds like the gako-the-frog song! Mogu mogu machi MIu miu. hapalukae hapalukae, mogu machi miu. mogu miu, machi miu, mo gu machi miu!"

Shell:"we should have just bought the chicken [FYI we ate one whole chicken aft eating icecream]. but then if without venezia, we wont be that high to buy a whole chicken. Look! the chicken's flying into the paper bag. FEI JI!"

Hmmph -_-. I guess this is the LEP common trait.

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