Wednesday, February 06, 2008

hihi ppl! Happy new year! Please try NOT to bring any more food to my place on saturday, because I think we'll have trouble trying to finish everything anyway. =) Anyway, just to 吊 your 胃口 and give you a little insight to what sort of entertainment there is in store for you (all)..

I have:
-a (singular) mahjong table with mahjong set of course, think tj might bring her chips or feel free to gamble with money if you want (at your own discretion)
-karaoke cds! (have fun digging through them again) with 2 mikes!
-2 sets of monopoly now (spongebob! + normal antique version) for those intellectual ones in class
-munchkin (which i haven't figured out how to play yet so..)
-poker cards (which you can bring more of your own if you want)
-(temporary) wii! which might disappear with my uncle on saturday so...

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing you all again! Though I just met some of you on Saturday and will see some more of you on Sunday.. X) Don't eat so much before you come! You all should come and help me finish food.. And it'll be nice, home cooked stuff so =D!

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